Passion: 20”x24” Canvas | Spray Paint, Acrylics, Chalk, Pencil Layers

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Right, let me give you the lowdown on this painting journey. Suddenly, this spark hit me, a sudden urge to paint that felt like utter liberation. It all kicked off as one of my first attempts after a crippling five-month creative block due to heart failure and subsequent recovery. Picture me, chilling on my living room floor, perched on an old bed sheet, surrounded by supplies that had been gathering dust for a good year. For the past few months, those supplies had been giving me nothing but anxiety – just staring at me, taunting me when I lacked the energy or inclination to paint. But this time, it was different – it felt like pure magic.

No thoughts about outcomes, no attempts to recreate the past before my world went topsy-turvy. I was just layering colours on the canvas, getting to know these untouched supplies, and diving into a world of new marks. It wasn’t about how it looked, not really. If I wasn’t vibing with something, I’d slap on another layer or throw in a new detail, putting my trust in the process.

Eventually, I shifted my operation to the garage, carving out a little studio space for myself. I had this itch to mess around with spray paint, and let me tell you, it was so much fun! Maybe it was the fumes, who knows?! (Don’t worry, the garage door was always wide open)

The outcome, oh, it brought me so much joy and relief. I experimented with various techniques, and I’ve got this flowing navy paint on there that kind of looks like the top half of a person with their arms up – a happy accident, if you ask me. Now, when I look back, the word that screams out is ‘freedom,’ but in the moment, it was all about being consumed by a rediscovered love, pure passion fueling the creative fire.

So, experience the vibrant rebirth of creativity in ‘Passion,’ a captivating 20”x24” canvas adorned with intricate layers of spray paint, acrylics, chalk, and pencil. Each stroke tells a story of resilience and artistic expression, symbolizing a triumphant comeback after facing the challenges of stage 4 heart failure.

Immerse yourself in the dynamic fusion of colors and textures that echo the artist’s journey—a testament to the power of the human spirit translated onto canvas. ‘Passion’ invites you to explore the depths of emotion and triumph embedded in each layer, making it not just a visual masterpiece but a profound narrative of overcoming adversity.



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